Since successful completion of my Technician exam on March 29th, I’ve been refreshing the FCC database hourly, eagerly awaiting my callsign so that I can finally get on the air. By Friday afternoon, as I pack up from work, I hadn’t seen it posted. I figured I’d have to call the FCC on Monday, 15 days from my test date, per the document I was given at the exam.
As I pull into Jordan’s preschool, I refresh the browser on my cell phone one more time, not expecting to see any change. Lo, and behold, my callsign KC1JMH came up! Goosebumps! I run inside to fetch my boy, and he’s excited to tell me all about what he’s learned at school that day, all the way home.
Once he’s in bed that night, I finally got on the air and made my first contact, 126 miles away! I was chatting with KC1HLA, Jason from Caribou who was visiting Bangor, and I’m in my driveway in Waterboro, using a repeater in Buckfield. Amazing!
73, KC1JMH